Though the Priest has read many, many, many fanfics, there are some more than others that she truly adores. These are the stories that the Priest stayed up way past her bedtime to finish-- or at least, attempt to finish-- reading.
Some you can find quotes on the site from. Some you can't.
Harry Potter Crossover: Harry Potter and the Stargate, Shezza88 AU HP:SG1 Crossover! Harry is whisked away into a galaxy of evil aliens. He will grow up expierencing horrors never before seen to any human on Earth and will fight an intergalatic battle in order to win the freedom of every human throughout the galaxy
- 33 chapters as of 10/09/05.
- A "Harry in the middle of a war that's not magical" story. Well written, with some humorous points. Has the occassional peek in at Hogwarts to see how the world is different without Harry's presence. The timeline has been squewed for Stargate SG1; Ra is killed in '89, and not '94. ((surmised from the notes that give the passage of time following the date given in the first chapter.))
Naruto: Never Cut Twice, shadowmaster62 After failing to save Sasuke, Naruto escapes the village. Now alone, on the run, and wielding the sword of the Demon of the Mist, Naruto tries to rebuild his life as a ninja. NarutoTemari pairing
- 32 chapters as of 10/09/05.
- Humor; the adventures of Intelligent!Kisame, Pocky-Obessive!Itachi, Horny!Kyuubi, Confused!Temari, and Powerful!Naruto, jam packed into an actual plot. Not with plot, into plot.
Kenshin: Into the Clear, mikan Kaoru faces a decision about where her life is going, when suddenly somebody from her past arrives at the dojo...
- COMPLETE - 15 chapters.
- A beautiful story detailing the heartbreaking romance that is Kaoru and Kenshin. The ending is sweet, but it was written to reflect Kenshin's character from Seisouhen, so be warned if you dislike that particular ending.