Quotes by Author - R
Rae of Rosemary Star Wars: It's Okay, Master, the Force hates me, too
Raihne Weiss Kreuz: Inside the Souls that Love Built, Love Built Arc, Raihne Weiss Kruez: In the Lives that Love Touched, Love Built Arc Buffy: Xander; Slayer of Hearts (Oh and Vamps, And Slimy Things that Make You Go Eeeew!)
randomsomeone Naruto: Eek! Naruto: Project Human
Renz Digimon: Castaway
ReRob, MegaZone and Gryffin Miscellenous: Undocumented Features
Richiefic Highlander: I never liked Art in High School
RoguesKnight Buffy/X-Men: Uncommon Knowledge
Rorschach's Blot Harry Potter: Make A Wish
Rosy the Cat Harry Potter Crossover: The Life and Times of Blaise Zabini
Rurouni Star
Inuyasha: To Live Again
RurouniGochan Kenshin: A Rurouni's Guide to Idiocy
redwolfhowl Yu-Gi-Oh: The Weaker Sex