Quotes by Author - S
Saerry Snape Harry Potter: Not Myself
Sailor Ronin Usa-chan Sailormoon Crossover: Cold Love, Twisted Love
Sara Lang Gundam Wing: Two Princes
Sarah1281 Harry Potter: No Thank You
Saria-the-green-haired Yu-Gi-Oh: Catching Kaiba
Scorpio Buffy: Anya's Turn Buffy: Kitten ,Scorpio Buffy: Friends, Scorpio Buffy: Twilight's End ,Scorpio
SG-girl Stargate SG1: The Trouble with email
shadowmaster62 Naruto: Never Cut Twice
Shezza88 Harry Potter Crossover: Harry Potter and the Stargate
Shinzuru Ranma Crossover: Hellsing's Knight Ranma
SilverLily aka Blood Moon Harry Potter Crossover: Alias of Chaos
Silvormoon Digimon: Whiteout
Sleeps with Coyotes Highlander: Moments, Sleeps With Coyotes Highlander: No, Nay, Never
Soporific Final Fantasy VII: Of Cheesy Dialogues and Bullshit Clichés
SouthernChickie Highlander: 16 Again,
Spideymaan Star Wars: Four for flirting?
spikedluv Buffy/Highlander: Immortals in Sunnydale
Stacia Buffy/Highlander: Death and the End of the World
Sukunami Final Fantasy VIII: Belong to Each other Final Fantasy VIII: Choosing Life, the Life Series Final Fantasy VIII: Living Life, the Life Series Final Fantasy VIII: Past Happenings Final Fantasy VIII: When I hear your Voice
Suiyou Gundam Wing: Corrupting Relena
SunFreak Naruto: Bedtime Stories
suomynonakun Pokemon: If I could Change the World Naruto: Walking Corpse
Syx Maxwell Gundam Wing: Team II