Warning, the following story contains yaoi/shonen ai of the Daisuke/Ken variety.
What Lies Beneath, Cynthia and LadyDragon (Cynthia = Higuchimon)
"It's getting dark," the redhead complained, sounding almost as if he expected his friend to be able to fix that minor problem. Ken rolled his eyes.
"Why don't you just bat those dangerous weapons of yours at it and tell it not to?"
His friend shrugged, not bothering to lift his eyes from the page. "Tried that last week."
"Didn't work."
Ken tilted his head a little. "What did your teacher think?" In answer, Daisuke handed a piece of paper to Ken. When the skater looked at it, there were several compliments praising the skill of the artwork, a perfect grade, and questions about Ken's phone number and marital status. Ken turned bright red and muttered, "I still can't believe I agreed to do that."
"You drew my brother naked?" Matt growled harshly. "Without at least asking him on a date first?" Daisuke squeaked. "Well?"
"So when are you going to ask him?"
Chocolate eyes flicked to the calendar on the wall, displaying the current month of November. "Um...June?"
"Care to see if you can digivolve faster than I can skin you?"
"Hey, I heard this one person saw us all together and has sworn ever since that somehow I'm the love child of you and Tai!"
"No way!" Matt shuddered at the horror, and Daisuke laughed out loud.
"I'll have you to know I'm a darling little offspring, if I do say so myself."
Tai pouted even more. "You're no fun when you're acting responsible."
"Why would Matt insist you ask me out?"
"When I told him about the kiss and you not saying anything, he started to threaten me!"
"What Lies Beneath" - Cynthia and LadyDragon
(Cynthia = Higuchimon)
(The story was removed pending a rewrite in '05. It has yet to be rewritten. Sadness.)
He knew it was time to take those Slayers tapes away from his youngest son when he winked, held up his index finger and replied, "Now that...is a secret!"
Warning, the following story contains yaoi/shonen ai
"The Consort" - Cynthia and LadyDragon
(Cynthia = Higuchimon)
"All right, so we know some of things we didn't think should be common knowledge. What does that have to do with you breaking into Jyou's house and acting like you're Ken's more annoying sidekick?"
"Hey! No free gropes!"
The other chuckled. "Why not?"
"Because I said so!"
"Should I wear the towel or is it a formal wear breakfast?"
"Come naked for all I care,"
"Hey, Daisuke, it's me." It was Takeru, sounding far too bright and chipper. The Child of Courage and Friendship entertained the momentary notion of ants and honey before he answered.
"What part of _I'm not one of you anymore_ don't you get?" Daisuke growled, getting a little bored with them all.
"The part where you're working for the other side and why?" Taichi snapped. Daisuke shrugged.
"It's fun?"
"The Consort" - Cynthia and LadyDragon
(Cynthia = Higuchimon)
(The story was removed pending a rewrite in '05. It has yet to be rewritten. Sadness.)
As the song restarted Ken sighed in defeat; he may as well just get this over and done with. The sooner Miyako and Daisuke got their way the sooner he could run away and hide.
"Now roll your hips," Daisuke instructed.
"I don't have hips!" Ken exclaimed, "How can I roll something that's non-- Daisuke get your hand away from there!"
Ken backed away hastily, "How about we just forget the whole thing Dais, seriously, I don't need to know how to dirty dance."
Daisuke turned to look at him, "I'm not a quitter. You are going to learn to dirty dance, or you will die trying."
"You didn't answer my question!" She bounced in his lap, "What's new in the world of Ken? New love interest? Lost your virginity?"
"And I will wait for the day that you can forgive yourself, Ken-chan-- I’ll wait, right here, right by your side."
"Daisuke, you’re in my lap, not by my side!"
"Mind? Of course I mind, you’ve stolen my little brother out from under my nose! Life just isn’t fair; Daisuke got a boyfriend before I did. Come on, you have to admit there’s something tragic in that."
"Hey, Daisuke!!" It was Takeru's voice. He sounded...cheery. Chipper. More than was usual for the Keeper of Hope. A word floated through Daisuke's mind, and it sent a chill down his spine. Hyper. The thought of a hyper Takeru was enough to send him screaming into the night. Or late afternoon as the case may be.
"Slow down, slow down!" Daisuke interrupted when he could. "Takeru, what is wrong with you? You're not acting like yourself!"
"Of course I am!" Takeru hummed a little tune for a few moments. "So, when should we go out?"
"Well, I really have to get to bed early tonight, so I guess---" He broke off for a moment. "What???"
A deep and throaty chuckle echoed across the phone lines. "I love you and I want to go out with you."
"Are you drunk?"
"Hi!!" Takeru waved cheerily at him from behind the window as Daisuke went to open it up. "You look great." Blue eyes twinkled, and Daisuke resisted the urge to look for signs of drug use in them. "Good enough to eat!"
"Um...hi." If I was like this about Hikari no wonder she never wanted to date me. This could get really annoying really fast.
"I say---" Whatever Daisuke might've said was broken off by the clearing of a throat, and the two of them looked up to see Ichijouji Ken standing in the doorway, Wormmon in his arms.
"I say that whatever you two are up to, should probably be taken to the bedroom." The elegant Child of Kindness said with a quirked eyebrow. "If you were going to have company over, Daisuke, you really should've let me know."
Daisuke blushed a deep red. "Sorry about that, Ken. I wasn't exactly expecting this."
"You two have fun doing whatever it is your doing. I think Worm-chan and I are going out for a few hours."
"Good." Takeru answered for the both of them. "I don't know how long I'm going to be feeling like this so I want to take advantage of it while I can."
The former Kaiser looked back over his shoulder, his eyes twinkling for a moment. "Take advantage of it or take advantage of Daisuke?"
In seconds he was down just outside the woods. He paused there for a moment, watching the wind dance through the trees, letting moonlight dapple the ground in silver light. Oh, that's just disgusting. That's the last time I read fantasy novels before bed. I should never have let Wormmon choose my nightly reading material. He had to admit, however, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was very good reading. For children. He wasn't enjoying it at all. Not in the slightest. I'll have to remember to get the next one in the series when it's published. He made a mental note. No, he was not enjoying it at all.
The Kaiser only stared, his eyes almost trying to jump out of his head and dive underwater to check out more of what he hadn't seen the first time around. "I was just out for a walk." He tried to sound nonchalant, but since he was practically gaping at the water-covered figure of his archenemy, he was fairly certain he wasn't succeeding.
The back of Ken's mind was well aware of just how stupid he looked to be standing there in his imperial garb, with his mouth open and his tongue starting to hang out as his eyes followed the silvered form of his water-caressed foe.
The front of Ken's mind didn't give a flying leap and only wanted to keep watching that beautiful sight until the end of time. With possible interludes for breathing, though that was entirely optional and could be done without if really necessary.
As he spoke, Davis took a step back, and leaned on a conveniently large stack of templates. The stack, unable to take his weight, quickly began to topple and smashed down onto the floor.
"Oh my! I’m sorry," he continued, back-pedalling away from the mess of shaped paper- only to collide into another.
"Aw jeez! I’m really sorry about this-"
And another...
"Oh I am such a klutz-"
And another.
In the fresh chaos that he had just created (with oddly disturbing skill), Davis was able to glance towards the doorway from which they came, just in time to catch a glimpse of a dark green coat- clad figure disappearing through it and melting into the shadows.
"Won’t they get suspicious if a red beam comes out of the bushes? I thought in this quadrant, miscellaneous lights come out of the sky."
"Rika’s gonna kill you Takato."
"I know, but she deserved it. Especially after this morning."
"Still, Terriermon’s right, Takato, she was really mad."
"I know, but I was irritated at her. Of course, I’m a little irritated at just about everything when I’m ChaosGallantmon."
"What is it with you lately Ta...Tai? You can’t seem to stop tormenting Rika."
"I’m not sure, it’s just something inside tells me to do it."
"Are you suicidal?"
"I don’t know what you’re talking about..."
"Come on... Takato! You think that some hair dye and contacts are gonna fool me? After everything that’s happened? I mean I’ve known you since you were six! We did the almost-mind-reading thing again just now, like we used to when avoiding Kazu when he had some crazy scheme."
"Am I okay enough to get a lady Guilmon?" Guilmon asked.
" . . . Is there even a lady Guilmon out there?" asked Kenta.
"Hey, Takato, maybe you should 'draw' him a lady Guilmon for him," Kazu hinted.
"Do you think the evil Digimon kidnapped him?" Jeri wondered.
They all looked over to group of evil Digimon who stood in a crowd talking to each other. "What? Whenever there’s some sort of trouble, you guys always blame us! Why?! We have feelings too, ya know?! *sob*"
Then Piedmon started to cry and flood the evil Digimon.
" . . . Okay, I don’t think it’s them," said Takato.
"Hey, Tai . . ."
"Yeah, Agumon?"
"I think I’m starting to think humans are attractive . . ."
" . . . Good grief. There’s too many weird problems in this world and party for me to think about," Tai groaned. "I’m getting a headache."
"Oh man, Takato, it’s you buddy! Hey, help your old *gack* Uncle Beelze here, please?" Beelzemon choked.
Takato was confused. "Uncle Beelze?"
"I think the oxygen in his brain is lacking at the moment," Renamon explained.
"Let me get this straight, all right?" Daisuke said, sounding tired and bewildered. "You’ve told Miyako you’re not having a party under any circumstances but you go out and buy a truckload of party supplies and wake me up at eight AM on a Saturday to carry them for you and you still won’t help me sneak into the nearest church and steal some holy water?"
"You’re not being stalked by a vampire!" Iori yelled in complete exasperation, regretting it as soon as he was subjected to all the stares that Daisuke usually managed to get whenever he went out in public. "Oh, you’re hopeless. Help me carry this home, set it out, and then get a few bags of ice, and I will look the other way while you steal consecrated water from the nearest church."
"But at least I’m all kinds of holy now. That vampire’ll never get to me."
"Did you actually drink some of it?" Iori asked, laughing in spite of himself at the thought of Daisuke being something sacred.
"You know it. I’m gonna pee holy!"
"I can’t believe you haven’t been struck by lightning yet."
"And now that we’re here, let’s get this summoning out of the way!" she said, pulling out her giant book, some chalk, and a large knife. As one, everyone took a very big step away from her.
"Dude, whose throat do you plan on slitting with that?" Daisuke asked nervously, fairly certain it would be his.
Miyako looked scornful. "Don’t be stupid. This is just for show. Someone kick the carpet out of the way and let me draw all the symbols we’ll need."
"Do we really have to summon this great evil sleeping in Iori’s house?" Hikari asked, sounding bored and a bit petulant. "Can’t we go TP someone’s house or tie Daisuke up and leave him on the steps for his stalker? Something exciting?"
"Draw your damn symbols," Daisuke ordered, glaring suspiciously at Hikari.
"Wait, so this is the stalker?" Koushiro asked Iori, gesturing towards the vampire.
Before Iori could answer, the vampire demanded, "And who said I’m the one stalking Daisuke?"
"Who said the person being stalked is Daisuke?" Iori countered. Koushiro was already laughing at the poor sap who’d fallen right into his trap.
"Oh, right." The vampire frowned. "Someone remind me to think through my retorts before I actually say them, okay?"
"Okay," Hikari said.
"I don’t like this whole ‘terrible revenge’ thing," Miyako said suddenly, looking worried. "What if it involves tadpoles? I hate tadpoles!"
"Tadpoles could be arranged!" the vampire called out.
"Come on, you guys," Hikari wheedled. "It’s just Daisuke. Steal his holy water and crosses and let his stalker have him. At least I can bake cookies!"
Hikari and Miyako exchanged startled looks. With a variety of winks, head tilts, nods, giggles, and eerie hand gestures, they seemed to come to a decision and shouted together, "So you LIKED being molested!"
"I didn’t molest him!" Takeru shrieked from the closet. "...he liked it?"
"I wasn’t molested!" Iori shrieked, but he refrained from admitting whether or not he had enjoyed the non-being-molested experience.
Koushiro opened his eyes, sensing another invasion of his nap-time. He’d only just thrown two blonde guys out of there, one of whom was naked and sniffing the other. And he’d been woken up again just as he was starting to fall asleep by that stupid voice. What did a guy have to do to get some rest around here?!
But when he opened his eyes, there was no room. There was no bed. There was... mist.
"I guess the blue-haired Evil’s going to show up soon," he muttered. "Great. Just wonderful."
He went back to sleep.
"What is it?" Miyako demanded. "What?"
"The Evil," Takeru whispered. The rest of the room fell silent, waiting for the Evil to show its face...
...and a tall, blue-haired guy wearing glasses and a rather silly sweater-vest stepped out of the closet, looking around with interest. "Hi, everyone. Sorry for crashing the party."
Miyako looked disappointed. "The Evil is a nerd?"
"We’re all going to die in here," Hikari said in an eerie voice. "At each other’s hands."
"You’d think it had been at least half an hour since our first sacrifice attempt," Koushiro said dully. "Not three minutes."